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Dojo banking details

Bank: Capitec

Branch code: 470010

Account nr: 1368946222

Account type: Savings

email proof of payment to:

Reference: Your name and short description of payment

example: J. Bond April;  M, Musashi Shinai;  J. Bourne Grading;  D. Trump Seminar


If for some reason you are paying multiple items, please send email with PoP attatched with a description of all the things you have paid for

Cash payments

Pay to Ronel at/during class. Keep receipts as proof of payment.

Ronel transfers money over into dojo account as a lump sum during the month.

Please note that if you pay cash and you receive an invoice for fees outstanding. Cash payment are only taken into consideration once the lump sum reflects on the dojo account. Ignore invoices for such items please

NB!! When you register as a member of the SAKF, a monthly levy (included in your class fee) has to be paid over to the SAKF. This levy is used to keep the end of the year seminar fee as low as possible. Even when you do not attend class, this fee is still payable for up to 3 months since your abscence.

THUS: you are still liable for 3 months class fee after you have stopped with kendo. This can be avoided if you inform the dojo admin that you will not be continuing with kendo and we can remove you from the registered members list

Also note that even when you do not attend class, our dojo expenses do not cease to exist. Thus for the same reason, your class fee is still payable even if you have not attened class for that month

General payment rules

1. All class fees must be paid before the 15th of that month

2. If your payment has not been reference properly, your payment will then be used as a donation for the dojo to help upgrade the facilities - BE WARNED

3. Remembering to pay your outstanding fees is your responsibility, not that of the treasurer to remind you

4. If you are unsure about outstanding fees please ask either Ronel or Simone and we will gladly inform you

5. If you are unable to pay any fees on time, please just inform the dojo admin so that we can take note of it

6. We are not out to make money, none of the dojo admin members get paid anything, all fees paid into the dojo are used for the dojo. We unfortunately have expenses, and to keep class fees as low as possible we rely heavily on members to pay their fees on time, everytime

7. If for some reason you are unable to pay for something, please, please, please come speak to any of the dojo admin members. We want to expand out kendo family and the last thing we want is for money to get in the way.

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