SAKF October Seminar 2014
Every year, just as the eager buds of spring have begun to bloom, the much anticipated SAKF October seminar arrives in SA. Bringing along with it a good hanful of high ranking international Sensei as well as an envigorating spirit that helps us all rid ourselves of tjose winter enduced hibernation sesebilities.
This Years Seminar will be lead by eight Sensei, three 6th Dans, three 7th Dans and two 8th Dans. In South African kendo terms this is a fantastic turn out and is bound to be not only a blasted good time but also an amazing learning experience for all who are able to attend.
The Sensei that will be leading the seminar are:
CHIBA Tanemichi (8th dan kyoshi)
IRII Tokuaki (8th dan kyoshi)
ISHIMARU Teruaki (7th dan kyoshi)
TSCHERTER Gerry (7th dan renshi)
KUMPF Uwe (7th dan renshi
SEFOR Buster (6th dan renshi)
HUGHES Tony (6th dan)
SUGAMURA Yasu (6th dan)
It will be held at The Dance Zone, Bryan Park Shopping Centre, cr. Grosvenor & Cumberland, Bryanston on Saturday the 11th at 9am through to 5:30 pm; and on Sunday the 12th at 8:30 am to 5pm. There will also be a Grading session held in the afternoon of Sunday for all grades up to 5th Dan.
As is customary there will also be a Sayonara Party, held on Sunday evening, to bid farewell to and to thank the Sensei, who so graciously traveled here in order to enrich the world of Kendo in South Africa.
For all those who are grading gannbatte, good luck and godspeed! To the rest here's to yet another kick ass seminar, Yoshi!