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First female only training session

This past Saturday was the first ladies only training session organised by the South African Kendo Federation Women's Commission. The session was lead by Wendy Vermeulen from San Kawa Dojo and president of the Women's Commission and Natalie Veronica Morris from Ken Yu Kai Dojo. Both of them are members of the South African Women's kendo team.

This initiative is to promote kendo for women in South Africa but also to provide a platform where ladies can get together and discuss female related problems in kendo. Like it or not, men and women are different, and we need different tactics to approach problems.

These will be held once a month on the 3rd Surday of every month, and is open to any and all female kendoka of all levels.

At this session we discussed the 5 evils of kendo: anger, doubt, confusion, fear and hesitation. We practiced tools on how to manage and overcome these evils to promote our own kendo to a different level.

I for one could feel a difference in my own kendo and have been trying to incorporate the tips into each kendo session since.

Can't wait for the next one, and hope to see the group grow

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