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Mushin is mad about our MAD member

Some of you might know Mientjie. Mushin's MAD (marketing and Development Member). This post is for her and to thank her for all her hard work that she has done for the dojo. Most people don't know what a MAD member's responsibilities are or think that they don't do much, you could not have been more wrong.

Every event that you attend where you are not sweating half your weight onto the dojo floor has been organised by this"mad" kendoka ;)

Mientjie, in her short 2 years going onto 3, has organised 2 very successful inter dojos hosted by Mushin, assisted with the planning of other dojo's inter dojo competitions as well as helping the SAKF out with ther social events (yes, she is that good. Other dojos AND the SAKF ask her for help), organising 5 dojo socials, a kendo demonstration at the 2015 Mideval fayer and started the mushin dojo ladies night tradition. But that is only what you guys have seen and attended.

She has also with the help of Rita-Mari (who does all Mushin's design work) made our beautiful dojo banner, brand new advertisment board and the brand new dojo patches a reality.

She is the kendo fairy that makes kendo that much more fun and Mushin such a warm and close knit group.

So give a massive applause for our wonderful MAD member, we are extremely lucky to have her.

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Garsfontain Community Center

Cnr Serene and Keeshond Str. 

Garsfontain, Pretoria 0181

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