Mushin Interdojo 2016
The first interdojo for 2016 was hosted by Mushin Kendo Dojo. It consisted of a beginners competition, individual kyuu competition as well as an individual dan competition. The new SA team, with its first ever female kendo team, made their first public appearance since the squad was announced for the 27th European Kendo Championships in Skopje, Macedonia.
As always, interdojos have a warm and welcoming feeling, as friends get to see each other for the first time after a break and the spirit of healthy competition fills the air. To one side you can see the beginners getting a quick introduction to kendo scoring and each willing volunteer is directed to their post for the dan competition. Whether it was tying ribbons to the back of competing kendoka, updating the score boards or annoucing fights for the next round. Everybody had a place and something to do.
As the walls reverberated with the kiai of the dan members fighting to see who will be crowned number one that day, nervous first time bogu kendoka are shifting their weight from side to side, mentally preparing for their first ever fight, while the more experience kyuu kendoka take the opportunity to enjoy the fights happening in front of them.
Fighting someone full contact and at full speed with the ever present threat of loosing points over your head is daunting for most of us, but that is what makes these interdojos so wonderful, providing everyone, from most experienced to least the opportunity to conquer fear and doubt and learning to commit 100%
The beginners competition as always provides the first opportunity for new kendoka to master these skills and overcome fear. There is nothing more daunting than knowing you must breath and control yourself but your body ignores everything you say, while adrenaline floods your system.
In the end, a day like that day is great fun and a good learning experience for all. Now to buckle down and prepare for the next one in June.
Dan Competiton
1st: Brendan Dateling from San Kawa
2nd: Michael Grice from Ken Yu Kai
Joint 3rd: Warren Ho and Anesu Shamu from Mushin
Fighting spirit award: Anesu Shamu from Mushin
Kyuu Competition
1st: Nstabaleng from Ken Yu Kai
2nd: Gabriel from San Kawa
Joint 3rd: Emile Odendaal and Jimmy Chung from Mushin
Fighting spirit award: Sifiso Mbisi from Mushin
Beginners Competition
1st: Ken Yu Kai dojo
2nd: San Kawa dojo