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Kihon kendo kata

Seeing as the SAKF has decided to include this kata from next year onward as part of grading, I thought it a good idea to put up an online source for members to refer back to when needed. Please note this is KIHON kata and not NIHON (kata already included for gradings)

Kata is unfortunately not something that is practiced regularly at the dojo and on the few occasions that time is set aside for kata, a lot of time is wasted recapping "old" information that has been forgotten due to lack of practicing. To ensure that we actually try to improve on previous kata as well as learn the occasional new one, members need to refresh their old knowledge to be able to build on it.

This is a video made by the AJKF, watch it to re-cap and refresh your knowledge regarding Kihon kata, for new members watch to cement the new movements that you were taught. This video is NOT in English, pay attention to movements that you have already learnt, do not try to learn advanced kata from the video. You will most likely just confuse your self.

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