Different perspectives of kendo, a look back at the October seminar of 2014
Once again honoring the inhabitants of Bryanston, Johannesburg, with our presence and kiai, the SA dojo’s were once again well...
A brand new dojo in Cape Town
It is with a very heavy heart that Mushin says good-bye to one of its own, Marcas Hendry. Marcas has been an integral part of Mushin,...
Interested in trying out kendo?
The South African Kendo federation has been running a Groupon promotion for kendo the last few years. If you are interested in trying out...
SAKF October Seminar 2014
Every year, just as the eager buds of spring have begun to bloom, the much anticipated SAKF October seminar arrives in SA. Bringing along...
Mushin 2014 Competition and SA Team farewell. The Best one yet!!
Mushin Dojo hosted another successful inter dojo competition. At the same time we had a farewell braai to the SA team departing for...
February Seminar: Back to the basics Schweizer Deutsch style
Another great seminar that came to an end. This year the SAKF hosted Tserger sensei from Switzerland that placed a lot of importance on...
Baloon War at San Kawa End of Year Shiai
2013 ended with a bang. Literally. The last interdojo competition for the year was hosted by San Kawa at the Japanese School in...