Nihon kata 1
Unfortunately there is no single video from AJKF with all the nihon kata on. So I have uploaded all the individual videos for nihon kata....
Nihon kendo kata
A video reference for members to refresh their current knowledge regarding Nihon kata (currently included in grading kata)
Kihon kendo kata
Seeing as the SAKF has decided to include this kata from next year onward as part of grading, I thought it a good idea to put up an...
Mushin is mad about our MAD member
Some of you might know Mientjie. Mushin's MAD (marketing and Development Member). This post is for her and to thank her for all her hard...
Rivonia Interdojo and midwinter kangeiko
Today was the annual midwinter kangeiko (training) which is held every year during winter where members from all dojos get together to...
Tengu Cup 2014
Shjo, having to think back to something that had happen almost 2 years ago is a lot harder than you might think. Since our website got a...