Balloon wars
You might have read in a few of the previous posts about the annual balloon wars that happen at the end of each year. The first ever...
Western Province Seminar
This past weekend, the Coetzenberg Gym at Stellenbosch University played home for the Western Province seminar as well as the first ever...
Kenny the Kendo dummy
Sometime last year, Mushin was fortunate enough to receive a surprise visit from Boki sensei, a 5th dan Kendoka from Korea. It was quite...
Ten thousand hours
A promotional video made for kendo that features members from the San Kawa kendo dojo in Johannesburg. Released late last year
SAKF demonstration at Emperor's Palace
In an effort to promote kendo, the SAKF praticipated in a record number of live demonstrations during 2015. This was one of many that...
Mushin Interdojo 2016
The first interdojo for 2016 was hosted by Mushin Kendo Dojo. It consisted of a beginners competition, individual kyuu competition as...
SAKF Kendo Gangnam Style
This happened in 2012, it was a promotional video created by the SAKF to get the message of kendo out there. It was a super fun day...see...
An introduction to kendo etiquette
Kendo begins and ends with rei. Most of us go through the physical motions of rei and sonkyo before and after keiko, but we sometime...
First Impressions of Kendo
I started Kendo initially because it looked like a version of fencing with a Japanese background to it. The idea of developing your...
Different perspectives of kendo, a look back at the October seminar of 2014
Once again honoring the inhabitants of Bryanston, Johannesburg, with our presence and kiai, the SA dojo’s were once again well...